Mohammad Asad

Indian Payment Systems (2016 to 2024)

2023 - Reseach in Progress
Indian Payment Systmes

Research study analysing Indian Payment Systems from 2016 to 2024. Deriving insights and building original predictive CEMA models for future forecasts. Details to be made public after research publication. ( In RCFS under consideration for publication as of June 2024)

A Preview of some insight and predictions on Unified Payment Systems (UPI) was published on Outlook India magazine. Click to read Preview.



This is an Open Source simple to use python library which can convert an image to an ASCII text or an ASCII colored images.There is an additional Machine Learning component which has been added which produces smoother and more compressed results.

Therefore, using its convertWithAI() method it can be used to produced compressed images as well.Click to view.

Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation

Studying the data pool and forming a customer segmentation for business strategy formulation by various business function specially Marketing and Finance department.

Used Python programing language for EDA, Data Science and Machine Leaning. Click to view.


Companion Android App

An android app that helped avoid roadblocks in hilly areas of India like Sikkim using crowsoucred real-time data. Partnered with Border Road Organisation (BRO) for providing verified alerts and helping authorities to clear raodblocks faster.

App was launched by Honorable Governor of Sikkim and this was my first startup. Click to view.

Two-Stage Launch Quadcopter


Designed and programmed Multistage quadcopter. A smaller quadcopter was based on top of a bigger quad for multi stage launch. Tech used includes OpenPilot GCS, Arduino IDE, JAVA and C#

Won Reseach and Innovation Award from National Institute Of Technology Sikkim, India for this working proof of concepts and demonstrated practical and commercial use cases.